What You Can Learn From a Multi-Millionaire Who Understood Market Psychology

By Elliott Wave International How much do you know about Bernard Baruch? He's mentioned in the foreword of The Elliott Wave Principle – Key To Market Behavior, A.J. Frost's and Robert Prechter's definitive book on wave analysis (emphasis added): "Baruch, a multimillionaire through stock market operation and adviser to American presidents, hit the nail on… Read more What You Can Learn From a Multi-Millionaire Who Understood Market Psychology

Fibonacci Techniques for Math Geeks and Everyone Else, Too

By Editorial Staff The word Fibonacci (pronounced fib-oh-notch-ee) can draw either blank stares or an enthusiastic response. There's hardly any in-between ground. But for those who ask how an esoteric mathematical relationship can apply to price charts and trading, here's a quick lesson. Everyone who uses Elliott wave analysis will sooner or later want to… Read more Fibonacci Techniques for Math Geeks and Everyone Else, Too

What Can Movies Tell You About the Stock Market?

By Editorial Staff The following article is adapted from a special report on "Popular Culture and the Stock Market" published by Robert Prechter, founder and CEO of the technical analysis and research firm Elliott Wave International. Although originally published in 1985, "Popular Culture and the Stock Market" is so timeless and relevant that USA Today… Read more What Can Movies Tell You About the Stock Market?

Paper Trading Is NOT What Will Teach You To Trade

By Editorial Staff This is an excerpt from Elliott Wave International's free Club EWI resource, "What a Trader Really Needs to be Successful" — a classic Special Report by EWI's president Robert Prechter. … 3. Experience. Some people advocate "paper trading" as a learning tool. Paper trading is useful for the testing of methodology, but… Read more Paper Trading Is NOT What Will Teach You To Trade

Surviving Deflation: First, Understand It

The following article is an excerpt from Elliott Wave International's free Club EWI resource, "The Guide to Understanding Deflation. Robert Prechter's Most Important Writings on Deflation." The Primary Precondition of Deflation Deflation requires a precondition: a major societal buildup in the extension of credit. Bank credit and Elliott wave expert Hamilton Bolton, in a 1957… Read more Surviving Deflation: First, Understand It

More Credit Default Swaps Means Trouble for European Debt

By Editorial Staff Government debt is no longer just a problem for emerging countries. Portugal, Spain, France and Greece (as we have seen in recent weeks) are living in fear of credit default. Consequently, the value of their credit default swaps is skyrocketing. The following is an excerpt from the February issue of Global Market… Read more More Credit Default Swaps Means Trouble for European Debt

What Chinese Malls Tell Us about the Economic Reality

By Editorial Staff Investor expectations are decidely bullish right now, and many people expect an economic turnaround this year. What do the underlying economic conditions suggest? The Chinese mall "The Place" demonstrates the contrast between investor hope and economic reality. The following is an excerpt from the February issue of Global Market Perspective. For a… Read more What Chinese Malls Tell Us about the Economic Reality

Robert Prechter on Herding and Markets’ “Irony and Paradox”

By Editorial Staff The following is an excerpt from a classic issue of Robert Prechter's Elliott Wave Theorist. For a limited time, you can visit Elliott Wave International to download the rest of the 10-page issue free. Market Herding Have you ever watched a dog interact with its owner? The dog repeatedly looks at the owner,… Read more Robert Prechter on Herding and Markets’ “Irony and Paradox”

EUR/USD: What Moves You?

By Vadim Pokhlebkin Today, the EUR/USD stands well below its November peak of $1.51. Find out what Elliott wave patterns are suggesting for the trend ahead now — FREE. You can access EWI’s intraday and end-of-day Forex forecasts right now through next Wednesday, February 10. This unique free opportunity only lasts a short time, so don't delay!… Read more EUR/USD: What Moves You?

Why You Should Care About DJIA Priced in Gold

By Vadim Pokhlebkin The following article is provided courtesy of Elliott Wave International (EWI). For more insights that challenge conventional financial wisdom, download EWI’s free 118-page Independent Investor eBook. ————- Of the many forward looking market indicators we at EWI employ, one of the most interesting tools (and least discussed in the financial media) is… Read more Why You Should Care About DJIA Priced in Gold