Death of the Dollar, Again: Before You Mourn, See This Chart

The following article is based on analysis from Robert Prechter’s Elliott Wave Theorist. For more insights from Robert Prechter, download the 75-page eBook Independent Investor eBook. It’s a compilation of some of the New York Times bestselling author’s writings that challenge conventional financial market assumptions. Visit Elliott Wave International to download the eBook, free. By… Read more Death of the Dollar, Again: Before You Mourn, See This Chart

If Stocks Tank, Shouldn’t Gold Soar?

The following article is provided courtesy of Elliott Wave International (EWI). For more insights that challenge conventional financial wisdom, download EWI’s free 118-page Independent Investor eBook. ————- Large banks and more recently pension funds have suddenly become infatuated with gold.  They chant the mantras that gold bugs have known for years: gold is a store… Read more If Stocks Tank, Shouldn’t Gold Soar?

See for Yourself: This S&P 500 Chart Tells the Two-Part Truth

By Robert Folsom The following text is courtesy of Elliott Wave International. Until Nov. 11, EWI is allowing non-subscribers to download their latest market analysis and forecasts for free, including Robert Prechter's latest Elliott Wave Theorist and Steve Hochberg's and Pete Kendall's latest Elliott Wave Financial Forecast. Learn more about FreeWeek, and download your free… Read more See for Yourself: This S&P 500 Chart Tells the Two-Part Truth

Earnings: Is That REALLY What’s Driving The DJIA Higher?

By Vadim Pokhlebkin It's corporate earnings season again, and everywhere you turn, analysts talk about the influence of earnings on the broad stock market:  US Stocks Surge On Data, 3Q Earnings From JPMorgan, Intel (Wall Street Journal) Stocks Open Down on J&J Earnings (Washington Post) European Stocks Surge; US Earnings Lift Mood (Wall Street Journal)… Read more Earnings: Is That REALLY What’s Driving The DJIA Higher?

Q&A With Robert Prechter: Why Technical Analysis Beats Out Fundamental Analysis

By Elliott Wave International As the major stock markets turned down in late 2007 and then started to rally in March 2009, many people who believed in fundamental analysis have begun to question its validity. Famed technical analyst and Elliott wave expert Robert Prechter has long called for the bear market we are now in the… Read more Q&A With Robert Prechter: Why Technical Analysis Beats Out Fundamental Analysis

Efficient Market Hypothesis: True “Villain” of the Financial Crisis?

By Robert Folsom Editor's Note: The following article discusses Robert Prechter's view of the Efficient Market Hypothesis. For more information, download this free 10-page issue of Prechter's Elliott Wave Theorist. When a maverick idea becomes vindicated, there's a good story to tell. It usually involves a person (or small group of people) who courageously challenge… Read more Efficient Market Hypothesis: True “Villain” of the Financial Crisis?

Are These 4 Emotional Pitfalls Sabotaging Your Trading?

By Jeffrey Kennedy The following is an excerpt from Jeffrey Kennedy's Trader's Classroom Collection. For a limited time, Elliott Wave International is offering Jeffrey Kennedy's report, How to Use Bar Patterns to Spot Trade Setups, free. To be a consistently successful trader, the most important trait to learn is emotional discipline. I discovered this the… Read more Are These 4 Emotional Pitfalls Sabotaging Your Trading?

Spot a Pattern You Recognize: One Simple Tip for Becoming a Better Trader

By Gary Grimes The following article is adapted from market analysis by Elliott Wave International Chief Commodity Analyst Jeffrey Kennedy. Learn more here. Wave patterns are like beautiful women, classic cars and great art – you know them when you see them. EWI analyst Jeffrey Kennedy drives this point home during his live Elliott wave trading… Read more Spot a Pattern You Recognize: One Simple Tip for Becoming a Better Trader

Are We Near a Low in the Stock Decline?

Robert Prechter, New York Times best-selling author and renowned market analyst, was recently asked to present his thoughts on the real estate market and the financial crisis to the Georgia Legislature. The following article has been adapted from the transcript. Elliott Wave International has made the full presentation available free, including the full transcript and… Read more Are We Near a Low in the Stock Decline?

The Last Bastion Against Deflation: The Federal Government

This article is part of a syndicated series about deflation from market analyst Robert Prechter, the world’s foremost expert on and proponent of the deflationary scenario. For more on deflation and how you can survive it, download Prechter’s FREE 60-page Deflation Survival eBook, part of Prechter’s NEW Deflation Survival Guide. The following article was adapted… Read more The Last Bastion Against Deflation: The Federal Government

Jaguar Inflation – A Layman’s Explanation of Government Intervention

This article is part of a syndicated series about deflation from market analyst Robert Prechter, the world’s foremost expert on and proponent of the deflationary scenario. For more on deflation and how you can survive it, download Prechter’s FREE 60-page Deflation Survival eBook, part of Prechter’s NEW Deflation Survival Guide. The following article was adapted… Read more Jaguar Inflation – A Layman’s Explanation of Government Intervention

Is the World Finally Ready to Accept the Deflationary Scenario?

This article is part of a syndicated series about deflation from market analyst Robert Prechter, the world's foremost expert on and proponent of the deflationary scenario. For more on deflation and how you can survive it, download Prechter's FREE 60-page Deflation Survival Guide now. The following article was adapted from Robert Prechter's 2002 New York… Read more Is the World Finally Ready to Accept the Deflationary Scenario?